In Taoism, sunsets symbolise the natural transition from yang to yin, embodying the movement from activity to rest, light to darkness, and outward expression to inward reflection. This teaches us the balance between opposites and the impermanence of all things. This gradual, effortless fading of the light at sunset is viewed as a moment of profound transition, embodying the fundamental principles of the 'Wu Wei' translated meaning 'Effortless Action.' The sun does not struggle to set; it follows its natural course. The sunset teaches us to move with the flow of life, acting in harmony with the natural order rather than forcing our will upon it.
Feng Shui is a remedy that helps us live in harmony with our environment, working with the natural cycles and helping us achieve our goals effortlessly and without struggle.
Feng Shui is known as ‘The Ancient Art of Placement’ and is often described as acupuncture for the environment!
Welcome, I'm Abbie! "The Modern Dragon" - a Global Classical Feng Shui Consultant based in London, U.K.
I create property natal charts using complex ancient formulas, mapping out the energies of homes and businesses. I guide on remedies, using the natural cycles of universal law to neutralise energetic blocks and amplify the positive energies, leaving spaces perfectly balanced.
Properties in energetic harmony help support people and businesses to attract abundance, including:
'Health, Wealth, Success, and Happiness.'
If you, your family, your business or your employees feel stagnant or stuck, the energies in your daily spaces may be out of balance.
Feng Shui can be applied to nearly any space where people or animals spend time. If you, your family, or your business feel stagnant or stuck, the energies in your daily spaces may be out of balance.
In Chinese culture, there are three kinds of luck:
Whilst heavenly luck is out of our hands, the knowledge of Feng Shui affects earthly luck, and you hold the keys to influence your human luck!
Nothing is ever truly random. If you’ve found yourself here, your higher self already knows it’s time for a shift. When we align our space, we align our energy, and life begins to flow.
If you want to support your Human and Earthly luck, take action and come and say 'hi'!
"When the land is at peace, the people will flourish."
— Ancient Feng Shui Wisdom
Feng Shui is a 3,000-year-old Chinese geomantic practice, a metaphysics known as the 'Art of Placement'. The practice is a powerful, nuanced, systematic, complex, and profound ancient practice with roots in early Taoism.
Classical Feng Shui is also often described as both an ART and a SCIENCE using principles such as:
Geography, Physics, Mathematical Formulas, and Environmental Psychology.
Feng Shui aims to create harmony and balance in living and working spaces by optimising energy flow. Classical Feng Shui strongly emphasises precise analysis and adjustments to the surrounding environment to support the well-being and goals of occupants. By considering factors such as building date of birth, orientation, layout, and the interaction of elements, practitioners of Classical Feng Shui seek to identify and enhance positive energy flow through intricate calculations and assessments rooted in traditional systems.
Feng Shui works with the energy that flows through all living things, 'Chi', and the laws and cycles of the natural world.
Feng Shu is highly formulaic in the context of its cosmology and symbolism, as it is intuitive and is deeply embedded in Eastern Asian culture today.
If you've found relief from Traditional Chinese Medicine or had a transformative Acupuncture session, you've already felt the profound power of harnessing chi (the life force energy, spirit or vital essence of everything)!
Classical Feng Shui is the most comprehensive school, using ancient formulas to map out your property's unique energy. A property natal chart is similar to an Astrological chart but analyses nine different areas (known as 'guas') of your home.
You don't need to learn about Feng Shui for it to work; however, I've created a quick intro overview for those looking for the basics, which is highly recommended,
For a short intro
click below
On the other hand, if you want to dive deeply into Feng Shui, I've got you covered. It is recommended that you start with the Fundamentals page and work your way through the entire 'About Feng Shui' tab.
For a deep dive
click below
Everything physical is simply compact vibrating energy. With this in mind, I created the 'curious minds' series, designed for those looking to learn more about topics directly and indirectly connected to feng shui. The series focuses on the power of energy, vibration, frequency, and the universe's interconnectedness, both in established
Everything physical is simply compact vibrating energy. With this in mind, I created the 'curious minds' series, designed for those looking to learn more about topics directly and indirectly connected to feng shui. The series focuses on the power of energy, vibration, frequency, and the universe's interconnectedness, both in established science and scientific hypotheses and theories.
For an exploration of other topics
click below
Nikola Tesla
The Feng Shui year began on Lichun, which means "Beginning of Spring" in the Chinese solar calendar, which fell on the 3rd of February 2025 at 22: 08.
The Year of the YING Wood Snake began on the 29th of January 2025 following the Chinese lunar calendar.
To learn more about what the Snake has in store in 2025, click the link below.
Countdown until the next Feng Shui year.
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