Energy of Growth, Vitality, and Expansion.
✨The Meaning Behind The Words: 'Feng Shui'
✨ Balancing Life Force Energy (Chi)
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The term 'Feng Shui' consists of two Chinese words: 'Fēng' (风) and 'Shuǐ' (水).
💨 💦 Good Harvest and Health
In Chinese culture, 'gentle wind' and 'clear water' have always been associated with good harvest and good health; thus, ''Good Feng Shui' means good livelihood and fortune, while 'Bad Feng Shui' refers to hardship and misfortune. This dates back to early settlers, where Form Feng Shui (the lay of the land) was critical to a community's survival. This would be a protective mountain behind the farm to protect from the elements and to block enemies from attacking from behind; smaller mountains or hills to the left and right provided protection but allowed for visibility of any incoming threats. Lastly, clear, calm, running water would be abundant at the front of the property, close but not close enough to be affected by floods.
💨💦 The Balance of Both Wind and Water
The practice of Feng Shui works with the positive aspects of chi to achieve better health, wealth, well-being and abundance. Just as wind disperses chi, water holds chi. Chi can be agitating, as it feels uncomfortable when the wind blows too strongly; on the other hand, people who live near the ocean feel calm because the water retains good chi.
FÉNG (风)
💨 Wind Represents the Flow of Energy, Communication, and Change in Feng Shui.
Wind plays a significant role in creating harmony and balance in a space.
Here are some aspects pertaining to wind and its role in Feng Shui:
💨 Science of Wind and its Effects on Well-Being
In Science, the power of wind has consistently been proven to affect health and well-being in positive ways:
SHUI (水)
💦 Water, the Remedy for Wealth and Abundance in Feng Shui
In Feng Shui, water is viewed as a symbol of wealth, abundance, and the flow of chi. Water is used as a remedy both indoors and outdoors. When remedying with large amounts of water outside, this helps to support finances when placed on the sitting side of the property. Minimum of 200 litres per 100m2 for an outdoor water remedy. This prevents the property from going into an annual or 20-year money lock. It is also used to remedy different house types, including Double Sitting and Reverse houses, which are naturally not as good for money.
Here are some aspects pertaining to water and its role in Feng Shui:
💦 Science of Water and Wellbeing
In Science, the power of flowing water has consistently been proven to affect health and well-being in positive ways:
💦 Water is Conscious (The Science)
Dr. Masaru Emoto, a Japanese researcher, explored the idea that words, thoughts, and emotions can influence water. He conducted experiments showing how water molecules respond to positive words like love and gratitude by forming beautiful, symmetrical crystals when frozen. In 2006, a double-blind test of the 'Effects of Distant Intention on Water Crystal Formation' supported the hypothesis of Dr Masaru Emote. The test involved
2,000 people from Tokyo who focused positive intentions toward water samples located inside an electromagnetically shielded room in California. That group was unaware of similar water samples set aside in a different location as controls. The resulting images were blindly assessed for aesthetic appeal by 100 independent judges. The study's results support the hypothesis that water "treated" with intention can affect the properties of ice crystals formed from that water. This is of interest to complementary and alternative medicine research, especially for therapies that involve intention.
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Feeling stagnant in life is a bit like a pond; just as a still pond becomes murky without the flow of fresh water, our lives and our businesses can grow stagnant, too, more often resisting change and clinging to routines where negativity accumulates, just like algae building up in a pond. Our lives can become stuck, and businesses become unproductive when the energy around us is blocked or unbalanced. The role of Feng Shui is to unblock these energetic areas in living spaces, much like an acupuncturist inserting needles into the meridian pathways to stimulate and encourage chi to circulate freely for better well-being. Of course, Feng Shui experts don't use needles to release stagnant energy; instead, the focus is on decluttering and remedying spaces using the Five Element system and other remedies and cures, enabling chi to flow freely and evenly throughout a building.
Imagine dense-coloured smoke being piped through your letter box; how would it move around in your space?
✨Stagnant Chi
Here are the common culprits that block chi flow: Here are the common culprits that block chi flow:
✨ Paranormal Activity
Various things cause stagnant energy; clutter or untimely transitionary energies are often the culprits, but not always. Have you ever entered a room and not wanted to spend time there, but you don't know why? Perhaps you can't logically pinpoint why a room, a corner, or a particular side of a property feels "off." In this instance, this is most likely residual or looping energy. An event could have left behind an energy imprint replaying or looping in a particular location. It is worth looking into the history of a property and looking back in time to learn about the property's previous inhabitants, what the land was used for originally or if any events have happened on the land. More often, properties have mild traumas; for example, a builder might have hit their thumb during construction, or an animal died on the land, most of which can be cleared through a simple space-clearing ceremony that Feng Shui offers. On the other hand, a paranormal specialist is highly recommended if you are experiencing paranormal activity such as sightings, noises, moving objects, or flicking lights.
✨Property Natal Charts
Just as humans have an energetic natal chart calculated by astrologists to assist clients in understanding and navigating their way through their energetic cycles, so do our buildings, which also affect inhabitants. A classically trained Feng Shui expert can calculate the energetic natal chart to discover the permanent and transitionary energies and advise on remedies to create balance and harmony in your home and business, welcoming the life force energy to circulate and attract abundance.
A property natal chart requires certain information, such as:
✨Holistic Practice
Feng Shui is a holistic practice, and while it contributes to positive outcomes, it should be considered part of a broader approach to improving one's life and surroundings. While spaces can affect people living in them, occupants can also affect their environment. Consequently, inhabitants must do inner work to keep their vibration high so that Feng Shui can work in synergy.
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Dolores Cannon
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