Discovering and understanding your personal Trigram reveals valuable insights into your unique energy and how it influences a human's character, strengths, and challenges.
To calculate your trigram, please follow the instructions for your gender, as the ancient calculations are different accordingly. If you do not identify with your birth gender, calculate both and decide which one you resonate with the most.
Male Trigram Calculation
1. Add ALL of the digits of the birth year (the year only, not the day or month) until it reduces to a single-digit number
2. Subtract (1) from the birth year if born between January 1st and February 4th or 5th
3. Subtract this single number from (11); the result is your personal trigram number
4. If the result is (5), the trigram becomes (2) since there is no (5) trigram.
Female Trigram Calculation
1. Add ALL of the digits of the birth year until it reduces to a single-digit number
2. Subtract (1) from the birth year if born between January 1st and February 4th and 5th
3. Add (4) to this single-digit number; the result is your personal trigram number
4. If the result is (5), the trigram becomes (8) since there is no (5) trigram.
1.☰ ONE Trigram
- Your Element is Water
- Your Symbol is Water
- Your Essence Colors are Blue & Black
- The Colours that Feed you are Gold, Silver, Copper & Grey
- The Element that FEEDS you is METAL
- The Elements that DEPLETE you are WOOD & EARTH
- Your qualities are being flexible yet focused and determined. You are empathetic, artistic and given to deep thought but tend to worry too much and maybe overly sensitive.
2. ☳ TWO Trigram
- Your Element is Earth
- Your Symbol is Mother Earth
- Your Essence Colours are Earth tones, Browns, Yellows, Cream
- The Colours that Feed you are Red, Purple, Burgundy, Burnt Orange, Bright Pink
- The Element that FEEDS you is FIRE
- The Elements that DEPLETE you are METAL and WOOD
- Your qualities are that you are very strong (caregivers) and can be a great leader, primarily in Earthly matters.
3.☵ THREE Trigram
- Your Element is Hard Wood
- Your Symbol is Thunder
- Your Essence Colors are Greens
- The Colours that Feed you are Black and Blue
- The Element that FEEDS you is WATER
- The Elements that DEPLETE you are FIRE and METAL
- Your qualities are being generally even-tempered, but you can have sudden outbursts. You like to be moving and are not well-suited to a job where you have to sit still for long. You are enthusiastic and can be loud at times.
4.☵ FOUR Trigram
- Your Element is Soft Wood
- Your Symbol is Wind or Traveler
- Your Essence Colours are Greens
- The Colours that Feed you are Black and Blue
- The Element that FEEDS you is WATER
- The Elements that DEPLETE you are FIRE and METAL
- Your qualities are being insightful and often driven, but, like the wind direction, you can change your mind abruptly and often. You tend to be creative and artistic.
5. 0 FIVE Trigram
- There is no five trigram..
6.☷ SIX Trigram
- Your Element is Hard Metal
- Your Symbol is Heaven
- Your Essence Colours are Gold, Silver, Copper
- The Colours that Feed you are Earth tones, Browns, Yellows, Cream
- The Element that FEEDS you is EARTH
- The Elements that DEPLETE you are WATER and FIRE
- Your qualities are being a natural-born leader and authority figure. However, you can be headstrong with very strong masculine energy.
7.☴ SEVEN Trigram
- Your Element is Soft Metal
- Your Symbol is Marsh
- Your Essence Colours are Gold, Silver, Grey
- The Colours that Feed you are Earth tones, Browns, Yellows, Cream
- The Element that FEEDS you is EARTH
- The Elements that DEPLETE you are WATER and FIRE
- Your qualities are being artistic, creative, sociable and talkative. You like things done right, and you like to lead.
8.☲ EIGHT Trigram
- Your Element is Earth
- Your Symbol is Mountain
- Your Essence Colours are Earth Tones, Yellows, Browns, Creams
- The Colours that Feed you are Red, Purple, Burgundy, Burnt Orange, Bright Pink
- The Element that FEEDS you is FIRE
- The Elements that DEPLETE you are METAL and WOOD
- Your qualities are being very stable; however, you can be stubborn. You are very youthful.
9.☱ NINE Trigram
- Your Element is Fire
- Your Symbol is Fire
- Your Essence Colours are Red, Purple, Burgundy, Burnt Orange, Bright Pink
- The Colours that Feed you are Greens
- The Element that FEEDS you is WOOD
- The Elements that DEPLETE you are EARTH and WATER
- Your qualities are being extremely active, sometimes to the point of becoming ill or burning yourself out. You are very passionate; however, you can be hot-tempered.
Discovering your Trigram empowers you to make choices that nourish and support your energy while avoiding colours that deplete it. For example, consider painting the front door in a feeding colour that enhances the energy of the primary breadwinner, selecting a purse or wallet in your elemental colour, or choosing a car in a feeding or elemental shade to align with and sustain your energy.