This section is dedicated to curious minds, those looking to learn more about topics connected both directly and indirectly to Feng Shui, focusing on the power of energy, vibration, frequency, and the interconnectedness of the universe, both in established science and in scientific hypotheses and theories in video and audio format.
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An easy way to understand Feng Shui is to look at energy in established science. Once you know how invisible energy works, it is simple to understand the principles of Feng Shui.
In conjunction with Ted Talks (banned episode), Dr Rupert Sheldrake, PhD, is a biologist and author best known for his hypothesis of Morphic Resonance, which suggests the memory inherent in nature and the interconnectedness of all things. Sheldrake entertains spirituality in his scientific practice, which is at odds with the scientific community. At Cambridge University, he worked in developmental biology as a Fellow of Clare College. He was the Principal Plant Physiologist at the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics in Hyderabad, India. A Director of the Perrott-Warrick project for research on unexplained human and animal abilities, administered by Trinity College, Cambridge.
The theme of the talk was: 'Visions for Transition - challenging existing paradigms and redefining values in science'. Sheldrake exposes the ten scientific dogmas that conclude that we can't be conscious, a fundamental concept we know is not true and the urgent need to set science free.
Video Advise creates mini-documentaries about Hidden Truths; Michael Tellinger is a scientist explorer and founder of the UBUNTU Liberation Movement of UNITY & Higher Consciousness. Michael has become an authority on the ancient vanished civilisations of Southern Africa, the mysterious origins of humankind, resonance, cymatics, and the power of sound. His research includes a diverse field of subjects such as archaeology, mythology, human origins, religion, origins of money, spirituality, breakthrough science and consciousness. The video takes us on a journey into the discovery of sound, vibration and frequency:
The brilliant Be Inspired brings information in an inspiring, informative, documentary-style format. This is an interesting lost interview between journalist John Smith and Nikola Tesla from 1899. The ideas expressed by Tesla in that interview were so revolutionary that the contents of it were hidden away for decades. The interview was found in text format, and Be Inspired team reproduced this interview by converting the text into an audio recording, replicating the voices of both individuals. This video gives great insight into Tesla's mindset, thought process and personality. Below is a short excerpt from this interview with references to Toaism and the energy of life. One assumes Tesla is referring to Chi.
JOURNALIST: "Do you think that time can be abolished?"
TESLA: "Not quite, because the first feature of the energy is that it transforms. It is in perpetual transformation, as clouds of Taoists. But it is possible to leverage the fact that a man preserves consciousness after the earthly life. In every corner of the universe exist energy of life; one of them is immortality, whose origin is outside of man, waiting for him. The universe is spiritual; we are only half that way. The Universe is more moral than us, because we do not know his nature and how to harmonise our lives with it. I am not scientist, science is perhaps the most convenient way to find the answer to the question that always haunt me, and which my days and nights turned into fire."
Everything in the universe vibrates at its own unique frequency, from the atoms and molecules that make up matter to electromagnetic waves that propagate through space. These different vibrations and frequencies influence how energy flows and interacts within the human body, ecosystems and the universe as a whole.
In this video, Knowledge is Power channel introduces us to Marko Rodin's life's work. Rodin discovered the numeric language of God through vortex maths. 'Rodin's Coil', named after its inventor, is a geometric concept related to mathematics and energy. In the introduction, you will see how energy is expressing itself mathematically. This math has no anomalies and shows the dimensional shape and function of the universe as being a toroid or doughnut-shaped black hole. This is the universe's template and is all within our base ten decimal system. "They say that mathematics is the language of God.... but until now, nobody has been speaking God's language" - Marko Rodin.
In conjunction with Ted Talks (banned episode) Randy Powell a vortex mathematician, researcher and student of the infamous mathematician Marko Rodin discovered a mathematical language, the numeric language of God: vortex maths. Powell found the key to modelling 3rd-dimensional space through the Grand Unified Field Theory. With this, they have the answer to inexhaustible free energy and are much more suggestive that the 3,6,9 Tesla spoke of being the keys to the universe. Powell shares that they have discovered the secrets that connect all of science, all of technology and all of nature around a Torus field (donut-shaped field).
Explained here in maths is the infamous quote by Nikola Tesla on the power of the number Tesla claimed held the keys to the universe. In this video, mathologer Professor Burkard Polste from 'Monash University' takes us on a journey explaining vortex maths.
The brilliant Be Inspired brings information in an inspiring, informative, documentary-style format. This video shows exciting studies on the power of vibration, frequency and sound in cultures and ancient history.
The video takes us on a journey with scientists such as:
The brilliant Be Inspired brings information in an inspiring, informative, documentary-style format. The video takes us on a deep journey of the magical power of sacred frequencies and the ancient knowledge of the Ancient Solfeggio Scale for deep healing in the mind and body. Schumann Resonance is a set of spectrum peaks in the extremely low-frequency portion of the Earth's electromagnetic field spectrum, and when tuning into the frequency of the Earth, it brings us into alignment.
In this video, Jill Purce talks to Dr Guy Hayward about the important role of ancestors, Feng Shui and how, by enlisting our ancestors as allies, disentangling and clearing patterns in the resonance field to make way to transform our lives and those of our families and children.
Jill Purce is a British voice teacher, Family Constellations therapist, author and wife of Rupert Sheldrake (hypothesis of Morphic Resonance the theory proposing that memory is inherent in nature). Jlll was awarded a Research Fellowship at King's College Biophysics Department, University of London, to explore the spiral as a universal structure. Here, she initiated a dialogue between science and mysticism with Maurice Wilkins (the Nobel prize winner who discovered DNA). Fascinated by the relationship between liquids and sound, Jill discovered the effect of sound on matter and how formless matter is organised into exquisite and precise patterns through sound vibration 'Cymatics' (the study of visible sound). Jill investigated the effect of sound vibrations on fine particles and on water, a subject that had been much neglected since early scientific experiments and was the inspiration for the development of the Cymatics Telescope. In the 1970s, Jill developed a new way of working with the voice, introducing the teaching of group overtone chanting, producing a single note whilst amplifying vocal harmonics to heal past ancestral trauma. Jill worked with many spiritual teachers, as well as Native Americans and Shamans from different traditions. In 1978, she began to study with the Tibetan Lama, Chogyal Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche, and has been following the philosophy and practice of Dzogchen ever since.
Throughout history, humans have pondered what connects all living things, seeking to understand the underlying forces that bind us together and their profound impact on our understanding of ourselves and the world around us.
Podcaster Chris Williamson from Modern Wisdom interviews Rupert Sheldrake, who shares everyday examples of Morphic Resonance, a concept introduced to the world by the British biologist in the 1980s. Sheldrake was a Cambridge biochemist, one of the brightest Darwinians of his generation, winner of the university botany prize, a researcher at the Royal Society, Harvard scholar, and fellow of Clare College. In his book 'The Science Delusion' Sheldrake poses thought-provoking modern questions to science, such as: "Are the laws of nature fixed?"; "Is matter unconscious?"; "Is nature purposeless?" "Are minds confined to brains?"
MindNBody creates content where the voyage to holistic well-being and self-discovery begins. Here, we discover the striking similarity between Quantum Entanglement and Chinese Yin-Yang philosophy through the concept of complementarity. Both quantum physics and Yin-Yang philosophy emphasise 'interconnectedness'. This interconnectedness implies that isolated events or entities do not exist independently but are part of a larger, interconnected whole.
Video Advise creates mini-documentaries about Hidden Truths; Michael Tellinger is a scientist explorer and founder of the UBUNTU Liberation Movement of UNITY & Higher Consciousness. Michael has become an authority on the ancient vanished civilisations of Southern Africa, the mysterious origins of humankind, resonance, cymatics, and the power of sound. His research includes a diverse field of subjects such as archaeology, mythology, human origins, religion, origins of money, spirituality, breakthrough science and consciousness. In this video shows us what Toroidal Field created by the sounds we make when we speak, look like. Phenomenal research has been conducted to illustrate the structures of these toroidal fields associated with different letters and sounds, especially vowels. As we speak, these toroidal fields that we generate and shape with our mouths – infinite forms, shapes, and creativity – transform into scalar waves. This scalar technology permeates all of the creation instantly. The thoughts we have or the words we speak don't need an explanation to permeate all of creation. This occurs instantaneously.
In association with Bristol University, this video has experts in mathematical physics and quantum chaos explain Chaos Theory, the Butterfly Effect and how patterns and rules underlie even the most complex systems. Can mathematical models, data science and the movements of atoms and molecules help us predict the unpredictable? From the flip of a coin or the spin of a roulette wheel to working with the Met Office on predicting extreme weather events.
The scientific community is continually researching the effects of EMFs and RF waves on health, and consensus on their potential risks is evolving. EMFs can impact sleep, causing night-time restlessness, fatigue, headaches, and brain fog, including potentially more serious health implications.
In conjunction with Ted Talks, Dr. Devra Davis is an award-winning scientist who has held bipartisan presidential appointments and is the author of three popular books, including a finalist for the National Book Award. In 2007, Dr. Davis founded the Environmental Health Trust in Jackson Hole to provide research and education about environmental health hazards and to promote constructive policies locally, nationally, and internationally. The latest research on mobile phone pollution ties this kind of radiation to lowered sperm counts, an increased risk of Alzheimer's, and even cancer. Devra Davis tells the story of the dangers that the mobile phone industry is knowingly exposing us and our children in the pursuit of profit. More than five billion mobile phones are currently in use, which increases daily. Synthesising the findings and cautionary advice of leading bioelectrical magnetics and neuroscience experts, Davis explains simple safety measures that no one can afford to ignore.
In conjunction with Ted Talks and Jeromy Johnson, a Silicon Valley engineer turned technology health advocate, Jeromy Johnson discusses our attachment to technology and the health hazards such an addiction may hold. Jeromy Johnson is an expert in mitigating the negative impacts of Electromagnetic Field (EMF) exposure. He has a leading website on the topic and consults with individuals, families and organisations worldwide to implement solutions that reduce and eliminate EMF pollution. Jeromy has an advanced degree in Civil Engineering and has worked in Silicon Valley for 15 years. After becoming what medical doctors call 'Electro-hypersensitive' (EHS) in 2011 after extensive exposure to EMF radiation, he embarked on a journey of regaining his health and educating others to evaluate theirs critically.
Crystals captivate the human spirit with their beauty, intrigue the mind with their scientific complexities, and inspire the soul with their healing potential. The power of crystals has revolutionised the world, but the enormous power of these crystals used in ancient history is still yet to be discovered.
The brilliant Be Inspired brings information in an inspiring, informative, documentary-style format. The video takes us on a journey in the discovery of the power of quarts crystal:
The brilliant Be Inspired brings information in an inspiring, informative, documentary-style format. The video takes us on a journey in the discovery of the power of quarts crystal:
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