This section is dedicated to curious minds, those looking to learn more about topics connected both directly and indirectly to Feng Shui, focusing on the power of energy, vibration, frequency, and the interconnectedness of the universe, both in established science and in scientific hypotheses and theories.
An easy way to understand Feng Shui is to look at energy in established science. Once you know how invisible energy works, it is simple to understand the principles of Feng Shui.
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Albert Einstein, born in Ulm, Germany, in 1875, significantly contributed to our understanding of the fundamentals of energy and revolutionised the scientific field.
⚡️ Published Groundbreaking Papers
In 1905, Albert Einstein gave a series of lectures on his theory of relativity at the Royal Prussian Academy of Sciences in Berlin. It culminated years of work, beginning with four different papers.
Einstien's equation E=mc² reveals that a tiny particle of matter can create a vast quantity of energy, the basis of nuclear power. That's why a small amount of uranium or plutonium can produce such a massive atomic explosion.
⚡️ Presentation on Field Equations of General Relativity
. In 1915, Einstein formulated the 'General Theory of Relativity' equations, revolutionising our understanding of gravity and the structure of spacetime. These achievements established Einstein as one of the most influential physicists in history. An analogy for 'General Relativity' is to imagine a bowling ball on a trampoline, and the bending of the surface caused by the mass pulling the sheet down is used to illustrate the curvature of spacetime in general relativity
⚡Cosmic Implications
Einstein's groundbreaking contributions have cosmic implications that continue to shape our understanding of the universe.
Einstein's equation fundamentally shifted our perspective on reality. It asserted that the world is composed of solid, static matter and a dynamic interplay of energy and mass. This idea that everything is energy in different forms permeates the realms of physics and philosophy, spirituality, and holistic approaches to well-being. Einstein's revelations continue to inspire profound questions about the nature of the universe, human existence, and the interconnectedness of all things. His work has had a lasting impact on fields far beyond physics, echoing the philosophies that explore the harmony and balance of energies in our living spaces in Feng Shui.
Albert Einstein
Nikola Tesla, born in Smiljan, Austrian Empire, in 1856 in what is now known as Croatia, was another brilliant mind whose work had a profound impact. Regarded as one of history's most visionary inventors, he revolutionised the world and played a significant role in exploring the fundamental nature of energy.
⚡️ Tesla Working at 'Edison Machine Works'
In 1884, Tesla emigrated to the United States and started working for Thomas Edison's, Edison Machine Works company. While working here, Tesla improved Edison's direct current (DC) electrical systems; however, their working relationship didn't last long due to differences in their approaches to electrical technology. Edison advocated direct current, a more expensive and inefficient system due to the dissipation of part of the energy in the form of heat. Tesla, on the other hand, was in favour of alternating current. It was here the war began.
⚡️ The Alternating Current (AC) Power System
In 1888, just four years later, Tesla developed and patented the alternating current (AC) induction motor, Tesla's most renowned contribution to modern life. In the late 19th century, Tesla battled fierce competition from Thomas Edison, who championed direct current (DC) power distribution. Still, Tesla's AC system ultimately prevailed, providing a more efficient and versatile way to transmit electricity over long distances. This rivalry became known as the 'war of the currents'. It was a significant victory for Tesla when the Westinghouse Electric Company won the contract to supply AC power to the 1893 Chicago World's Fair, a fair that showcased the technological, industrial, and cultural advancements of the late 19th century and paving the way for the widespread electrification of the world.
This new technology transformed the globe and gave the following advances that are still critical in today's world:
⚡️ First Wireless Energy Transmission
Tesla's fascination with energy extended to wireless transmission. He envisioned a world where electricity could be transmitted through the air, offering revolutionary power distribution. In 1897, Tesla received a patent for the 'Tesla Coil', an electrical resonant transformer circuit. The 'Tesla Coils' use resonance and electromagnetic induction principles to generate high-voltage electrical discharges. It was initially designed for various purposes, including wireless power transmission and radio frequency (RF) experiments. While it was not directly used in practical radio transmission, it played a role in advancing the understanding of high-frequency (RF) signals and electromagnetic waves, contributing to the development of radio communication technology. In 1900, Nikola Tesla received a patent for a remote-controlled boat, one of the early milestones in developing remote-control technology. This invention was pivotal in developing remote control, wireless communication, and radio technology, shaping how we interact with and control devices remotely today.
⚡️ The Radiant Energy Theory
In his later years, Tesla developed the 'Radiant Energy Theory', sometimes called 'Free Energy', to describe what he believed to be a form of energy that could be harnessed from the ether or the atmosphere. Tesla claimed that the universe was filled with a vast sea of energy, and harnessing this energy could provide humanity with a boundless and sustainable power source. While his theories remain controversial, they inspire those exploring alternative energy sources today. One interesting theory today is the 'Grand Unified Field Theory'. Randy Powell is a vortex mathematician, researcher and student of the infamous mathematician Marko Rodin, who discovered a mathematical language, the numeric language of God. Powell shares that they have discovered the secrets that connect all of science, all of technology and all of nature around a Torus Field. With this, they have the answer to inexhaustible free energy. The YouTube Ted Talks video clip can be discovered under the Curious Minds: Video tab.
⚡️ Pocket Device That Shook Buildings
In 1896, Tesla was working on oscillations to be used for energy transfer. The idea was to create a steam-powered oscillator that was able to create various frequencies. If the frequency matches the resonance frequency, a receiving device should transform the mechanical oscillations back into an electric current. In 1897, the device was ready, and in 1898, he supposedly managed to oscillate his laboratory at 48 E. Houston St., New York, enough that alarmed neighbours called the police and ambulance, fearing an earthquake. Tesla later explained this principle to reporter Allan L. Besnson, who published it in February 1912 in the World Today newspaper.
'He put his little vibrator in his coat pocket and went out to hunt a half-erected steel building. Down in the Wall Street district, he found one, ten stories of steel framework without a brick or a stone laid around it. He clamped the vibrator to one of the beams and fussed with the adjustment until he got it. Tesla said that, finally, the structure began to creak and weave, and the steelworkers came to the ground panic-stricken, believing that there had been an earthquake. Police were called out. Tesla put the vibrator in his pocket and went away. Ten minutes more, and he could have laid the building in the street. And, with the same vibrator, he could have dropped the Brooklyn Bridge into the East River in less than an hour.'
⚡️ Tesla's Wardenclyffe Tower Project
The 'Wardenclyyffe Project' was funded by Tesla's primary financial backer at the time, J.P. Morgan, a prominent financier. The project was centred around constructing a massive tower and a laboratory facility on Long Island, New York, in 1901. Tesla envisioned the tower as a means to transmit electrical power wirelessly over long distances. His idea was to use the Earth as a conductor by creating a resonant system that could transmit electrical energy through the ground and atmosphere without wires. Tesla believed the tower could provide wireless power to the entire world, making electricity accessible to all, regardless of location. In 1915, the project was abandoned due to funding issues; Tesla's vision of providing free energy to humanity fueled many stories. JP Morgan was a major financier of the General Electric Company (GE), a significant competitor to Tesla's alternating current (AC) electrical system. Morgan's support of GE and Edison's direct current (DC) systems may have influenced his reluctance to invest further. Another story claims that Tesla may have discovered or developed advanced and hidden technologies at Wardenclyffe. These stories often involve speculation about secret files or inventions that Tesla left behind. Tesla's vision for wireless energy transmission and global communication was ahead of its time, and the Wardenclyffe Tower remains an enduring symbol of Tesla's visionary ideas and contributions to the world of technology and innovation.
⚡️Life Long Research Lost
In 1895, Tesla's lab in New York City caught fire, and Tesla lost all his work up to that point in time; subsequently, when he died in 1943, government agencies allegedly ceased Tesla's work. Someone, somewhere, knows the significance of 3,6,9, but that information has never been made available to the public, so we may never know its true meaning.
⚡️3,6,9, The Keys to the Universe
The phrase '3, 6, 9' is often attributed to Nikola Tesla and has been the subject of fascination and speculation. While there is no definitive evidence that Tesla explicitly explained what he meant by this phrase, it has become a part of his mystique, with various interpretations and theories about its significance.
Teslas quote, 'If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6, and 9, then you would have the key to the universe'.
While Tesla wasn't a mathematician by profession, he deeply understood mathematics and used mathematical principles extensively in his work, especially in developing electrical devices and systems. Theories include:
⚡️Tesla and Metaphysics
Tesla had a complex and multifaceted relationship with metaphysics, encompassing a broad range of philosophical, spiritual, and esoteric ideas beyond conventional scientific principles, including:
Nikola Tesla
It was Albert Einstein who first discovered that everything around us, from the chair we sit on to our mobile phones and even our bodies, is simply a mass of vibrating energy. Nikola Tesla delved deeply into the study of resonance and vibrational frequencies. Tesla believed that understanding the fundamental frequencies of the earth and the universe could unlock limitless energy possibilities. His work in this area influenced later scientific and metaphysical explorations into the vibrational nature of the universe. This realisation opens the door to a universe of possibilities. It's a world where we hold the power to harness and shape this energy to trigger remarkable effects. Quantum Physics gives insights into energy that is undetected by the naked eye. Cause and effect come into play, allowing us to create changes. So, what do we know about quantum physics?
⚡️ Study of Matter and Energy
In Quantum Physics, the word 'quantum' means 'how much' in Latin and is the study of energy and matter at the most fundamental level. At the tiniest scales of existence, particles exhibit incredible behaviours and manipulating these quantum states has led to technological marvels like Quantum Computing, a technology that solves problems too complex for classical computers and Cryptography, the unbreakable process of hiding or coding information for bank cards, computer passwords, and e-commerce.
⚡️ Spinning (invisible) Energy in Atoms
All things are made of atoms, and all atoms are composed of the same three fundamental particles: protons, neutrons, and electrons.
The human eye cannot see an atom, but thanks to a quantum microscope, we now know that an atom is like a tiny tornado. In this tornado, quarks combine in groups to form protons and neutrons. Photons are particles of light or electromagnetic radiation that spin at the speed of light in a vacuum. These energy vortices are constantly spinning and vibrating, each radiating a unique energy signature.
⚡️ Entanglement and the Universal Interconnectedness of Invisible Energy
Quantum particles become entangled with the environment around them. That is because atoms have no physical structure; they are made of invisible energy, not tangible material. The electrons, photons, and other invisible particles that make up the universe are inextricably linked, like an invisible thread connecting them, such that the state observed in one particle will be identical to the other. That connection, known as entanglement, remains strong even across vast distances. An analogy could be likened to identical twins, considered one before the egg split; once separated and interacting in an environment, they develop their own personalities based on their life experiences, but a universal thread is always there between them. For example, a twin can often feel the feelings of the other twin, even over continents; this could be considered entanglement. So, how do these spinning and vibrating particles connect with the environment?
⚡️Resonance and the Manipulation of Energy
Quantum resonance is a concept rooted in quantum physics. It is deeply connected to the behaviour of atoms and relates to how particles and systems in the quantum realm interact with each other and respond to external influences. When an atom interacts with the environment, it transitions from one such energy state to another, emitting an electromagnetic wave of a discrete characteristic frequency known as the resonant frequency. A good analogy of resonance is like a playground swing going higher when you push it at the right time, amplifying certain vibrations when they match up perfectly with the object's natural frequency. It's a phenomenon where an object responds with increased motion or vibration to a specific frequency 'push'. Where is resonance used today?
⚡️Practicle Application of Resonance
In essence, resonance is a versatile concept with applications spanning the sciences, engineering, music, and various other fields where the behaviour of vibrating systems and oscillating phenomena is relevant. But how? Spectroscopy is a tool that scientists use to study the light of an atom and can tell what elements or chemicals are in the object, how hot or cold it is, and even how fast it's moving. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance involves signals when magnets wiggle. Scientists can create a picture of the molecule's structure by listening to the signals. Quantum Computing is like a super-fast computer that uses tiny particles called Quantum Bits instead of regular computer bits. Resonance happens when something vibrates or moves more because it's getting just the right amount of energy at the right time. It's like nature's way of making things move in a big way with a small effort, which creates a computer faster and more intelligent, solving big problems.
The concept of Quantum Resonance has practical applications in various fields, such as:
Scientists claim it is easy to ‘untangle’ and 'entangle' pairs of particles and a continuous study area for scientists. How can we see resonance in the metaphysical world?
⚡️ Bioenergetics & Energy
Bioenergetics and energy medicine explore the balance of energy within our bodies. In bioenergetics, Chi is the electrical frequency at which each organ and system works, and the meridians are the body's electromagnetic circuits. Bioenergetic acupuncture works by measuring the electrical resistance and polarisation at acupuncture points and meridians. Holistic practices like yoga and acupuncture delve into the art of energy manipulation to enhance wellbeing. These approaches teach us how to align our energy with the universe's natural rhythms, bringing about positive changes in our surroundings and overall experiences.
⚡️ Chaos Theory: Butterfly Affect
'Chaos Theory' introduces us to the awe-inspiring 'Butterfly Effect'. This concept shows us that even small adjustments in energy inputs within complex systems can lead to disproportionately significant outcomes. It's a reminder that our choices and actions have the potential to create profound, positive ripples in our lives.
While Feng Shui lacks dedicated scientific studies, its foundational concepts align with modern science. Research confirms that all matter vibrates with energy, imperceptible forces exist within atomic structures, and nature operates through intricate interconnections—principles central to Feng Shui’s philosophy. Beyond science, Feng Shui offers a transformative path to unlock our potential, fostering positive change and harmony in our lives. Rooted in over 4,000 years of wisdom, it reflects an advanced understanding of natural energies and human environments that continues to inspire and resonate with modern perspectives.
Nikola Tesla
A series on the modern-day reality that affects our health and well-being in our living spaces. Learn about Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) and Radio Frequencies (RF) and the health risks and easy tips to reduce your exposure.
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Learn about what crystals are, the different varieties and their uses in science, and explore fascinating theories on the remarkable power of crystals found in ancient history. The crystal series rounds off by diving into the potent effects of these sacred gemstones and how to make crystal elixirs.
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Video content from some of the greatest revolutionary scientific minds covering an array of topics in energy, vibration, frequency, and the universe's interconnectedness, both in established science and in scientific hypotheses and theories. In addition, there is some excellent YouTube content from two docuseries channels that have spent much time pulling interesting information into short videos.
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